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About DevLab (Development Laboratories)

The Coöperatie DevLab, Development Laboratories, with 12 SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) companies as the members, was founded  in 2004. In close co-operation with universities, with a network of professors and lectors, research projects are carried out by graduating students, phd students, and employees of the member SMEs. With this concept DevLab is also partner in larger consortia, together with industry, universities and other research institutes.


The objective of DevLab and the participating SMEs is to stimulate and facilitate the circulation of knowledge between universities and the industry. The flow of knowledge enables national and international business opportunities on the long term. The demand and research definitions stem from the industry partners (knowledge/technology push), whereas the universities and other insitutes facilitate the research. The DevLab concept also bridges the gap between theoretical research to practical applications in the SMEs markets.


DevLab is living according to the knowledge/technology push principle, which means that the participating companies determine the roadmap of research programs. The strength of SMEs is their knowledge and skills in the field of currently available and applicable technology. The strength of universities is in the field of future technologies and the strength of technological colleges is in the field of applied science. Working together in the concept of DevLab all partners are co-operating in a huge network with a vast amount of available knowledge and science. DevLab is leading and participating in scientific research and applied science projects.
