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Dr. Johan de Heer

Works for T-Xchange

Director T-Xchange, Director Thales Research & Technology Enschede.

T-Xchange - a joint venture between Thales Netherlands B.V. and Twente University - designs and develops serious games for public and private organizations. Games will change the way we think. The games we develop are grounded in knowledge on natural judgment and decision making (cognitive biases), group dynamics, collaborative visual analytic frameworks, iterative game design, and model driven game development. Serious game systems and gaming facilitate human reasoning and sense-making processes. Responsibilities: Strategic Research & Technology management, Collaboration management, Operational management, developing propsals, managing contracts, business devepment, profit and loss, people manager. The job combines strategy, science and entrepreneurial creativity at the fuzzy front end of innovation. Guess what: this what gets me excited!

Dr. Johan de Heer is TRT-NL-Enschede director in the Thales Research & Technology organization. He directs the T-Xchange since 2007 – collaboration between Thales and Twente University in the Netherlands – which researches, designs and develops serious game systems and technologies. Prior to joining Thales, Johan was founder and expertise group leader cognitive systems at the Top-technological Telematics Institute (Enschede, The Netherlands). Before that he was postdoc at Tilburg University, worked at TNO and the Nijmegen Institute on Cognition and Information (NICI). He holds master's and PhD degrees in cognitive science from Radboud University and Tilburg University in the Netherlands. He has contributed to numerous papers and articles, and has given over dozens invited talks on his work. His area of expertise is where humans and technology meet.

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